sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013

A look at Perfect Preflop Play Deluxe

If you play online SNGs and tournaments, this app will make you thousands of dollars. 

Selecting a hand grants you access to six screens of information indispensable for online play. They expose the relationships between your hand and your opponents’ possible ranges, and help you reach the correct decision based on your assessment of the position. PPP Deluxe also includes a book that explains every concept you need to know to use the original PPP. And the Monster Book is currently being published in this blog as it gets made (see tabs on the top). 

The screens are organized in three files and two rows. The different rows are for break-even mode (tan background) and Relevant Profit mode (gray), and you shift between them by tapping the top of the screen, depending on whether you want to pursue an infinitesimal edge or to only risk your chips for a profit of at least 5% of your stack. Thus PPP Deluxe can be tailored to your style. Also, you get to choose your priority at the start screen, which determines which mode you land on immediately after typing in your hand – but the other mode is always one tap away. 

File one in break-even mode

Each of the three files has a Relevant Profit and a break-even version. The first file is original PPP for tables with antes. Original PPP means that the screen tells you how much you can call against an all-in bet (or re-raise all-in vs a bet against which you don’t expect to have fold equity, which amounts to the same) once you determine which range your opponent is most likely to be playing. If he's on the small blind vs your big blind and he has only 2 big blinds left, then a bet by him can be expected to represent the all-hands range. But if he's tight and under the gun with 15 BB left, then the 3% range is probably your best guess. 

File one in Relevant Profit mode

Tap the right-hand side of the screen and arrive at the second file, which is again for calling all-in bets, but for a table without antes. It comes second because it’ll be used less often, as people are usually shoving preflop late in the tournament, when there are antes. While the pot odds column gives you the same numbers as in the with-antes screen, the translation of the pot odds into big blinds shows different results, since the starting pot will be smaller. Of course, the number of big blinds you can call profitably also varies with your position, as you get different pot odds to call the same all-in bet depending on whether you’ve posted a blind. 

We call the third file Monster, and it supplements the other two by giving you the numbers for when it’s your turn to go all-in. The numbers shown in the gray screen are for how much you can shove the small blind without losing money (break-even mode). You will discover which hands can be shoved profitably no matter what your opponent holds or does (say, any amount of chips with Aces), which pushes could be exploitable but are still good (say, shoving 8 BB on the small blind with 62o, which is unprofitable only if your foe calls you with one of the two loosest ranges, which he won’t unless he is on tilt), and which are just bad (like shoving your last 2.5 BB with 72o in the SB, where the BB is almost certain to call you with any hand and you’ll only average 34.9% equity. 

File three in Relevant Profit mode. These are the numbers of big blinds you can shove when opening from the small blind versus each calling range, so as to profit at least 5% of the amount risked. Since the number of big blinds you can shove profitably naturally decreases as you get placed farther to the right of the big blind and you have more opponents yet to act, it's safe to say you want to shove a hand from the button that at the very least would yield relevant profit if you were in the small blind. So you may use this screen as your guide to shoving the button and the corresponding gray screen - which is one tap away - for shoving the small blind. Or you may bypass the gray screen altogether and use only this one. Note that this would make your shoving ranges from the button and SB the same. This may feel a little weird, but the truth is you would still be making every unmissable move available from the small blind. In Monster, the equity column replaces the pot odds column, so that you always know at a glance how often you are going to win against each calling hand. This becomes increasingly relevant as your position becomes such that there are over four players to act after you, and especially if your stack is so small as to give you very limited fold equity. The problem with being ahead of several opponents is that, unlike in the small blind where you are only going to get called by the big blind's 8% range at a frequency of roughly 8%, when you are under the gun with eight opponents you are actually going to face such a strong range more than half the time! So while you may be tempted to shove your last 3 BB with K2o, you would simply get trounced by either the 8% range (where you have 27% equity) or the 3% range (where you'll only win a heart-breaking one time in five). So often your best move will be to simply fold the K2o and accept that you'll probably be forced to call and all-in with crap next hand. It may sound bad, but the fact is that being aggressive is sometimes just plain wrong - as in having a weak hand with no fold quity versus eight players - and gives you worse expectation than a fold. Meanwhile, by calling and all-in from the big blind next hand getting 3.5-to-1 pot odds you'll most likely be making a terrific play. Needless to say, all pairs are great for shoving ultratight, as they'll have at least a respectable 40% equity versus the critical, certain-to-call-you, 8% range. Further, all class-C (green) hands and better will usually do a good job at this at 30% equity or more, with perhaps the exception of K9o, whose 28.4% equity versus the 8% range is pretty bad.

In Relevant Profit mode, the third file can be used as the numbers you can safely shove on the button vs the critical ranges we’ll discuss in the Monster Book. Plus, you’ll notice that the pot odds column is replaced by an equity column for Monster. This is to guide you in shoving from the earlier – and increasingly complex – positions. For instance, if you’re under the gun and with little to no fold equity, say with only 3 BB left, then Monster will show you why you should usually require at least a class-C (green) hand like JTs, since, as you’ll find, it has a relatively whopping 34.1% of equity vs the 8% range – much better than the 27% equity of K2o vs said range. 

Check out Perfect Preflop Play Light for a free sample. 

For more precision, pick your table size before playing.